Specialty Service Options

In addition to our comprehensive bath and grooming packages, we offer several options not available in just any salon.  Ask about adding one of our specialty services for your next visit.

Private Session

Some pets need a little special attention.  Normal appointments will overlap, allowing us to service several pets during the day in an efficient manner.  Pets will spend some time in a kennel for a break or drying time.  While for most situations this is a good option, some pets have special needs because of anxiety or other issues.  For an additional fee, your pet will get some 1 on 1 pampering.  We will not allow other pets in the salon during their visit and will minimize the length of time they spend with us.

After Hours Grooming

We understand that your schedule is tight.  Ours is too.  There may be an occasion that we can accommodate your schedule outside of our normal business hours like Sundays or evenings.  These instances will be contingent on the groomer's availability and you must speak with us in person.  Please understand that our family time is important as well so these appointments will not always be available but if we can work a day and time out, we will do our best to accommodate for an additional fee.


Certain coat types require special care.  Handstripping is a method of grooming that methodically takes out coat in a natural motion without clippering.  With many coat types, clippers cause damage to the hair follicle and change the very texture of the hair.  The results of such damage can range from color loss to skin issues.  Handstripping allows the coat to maintain its natural texture and color.  It can be a very time consuming process and is available for an additional fee.

Hand Scissor Grooming

Most grooming is done with clippers to achieve a uniform length in a time efficient manner.  Clipper blades and guard combs leave lengths that range from 1/16" to 2".  Some owners prefer to keep their pets hair longer but still want an all over trim.  We offer these customers an option of Hand Scissor grooming.  This will only be available for certain pets based on coat type, condition and behavior.  Please ask your groomer about your pet's needs and if this will be the service for you.  This is a very time consuming process and is available for an additional fee.